Friday, July 6, 2012

Tribal Tattoos Designs

A tribal tattoo design is a popular tattoo choice in the 21st century. Go to any beach in the summer months and simply look at all of the tattoos on show. Tribal designs will represent a significant number of them.
You may be deciding on your first tattoo, or simply a continuation of your collection, and have decided to go the tribal route.
But where have tribal tattoos originated from?
In a bygone era tribes from all over the world have tattooed members of their group as part of their way of life. Whether it be a spiritual reason, a coming of age, a religious ceremony, or a celebration of an achievement in life.
The tattoos we know and love now started from these tribal origins. Tattoo equipment back then was crude and simple, with the ink and paraphernalia being sourced from natural products found within the environment.
The tribal tattooists did not have the benefit of 21st century tattoo guns and autoclaves back then. As a result the tattoo design was as crude as the equipment would allow. This is how they arrived at the tribal tattoo designs we see now.

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