Thursday, November 24, 2011

Human Powered Roller Coaster

It is actually an art sculpture. But do look and function more like human roller coaster. I also wonder how you going to walk around the loop?

It has taken eight weeks of intensive assembly work but the newest feature of the German landscape has been unveiled. The city of Duisberg is now home to Crouching Tiger and Turtle, which could easily be described as a roller coaster without a roller coaster.

The Anger Park is a landscape construction at the Heinrich-Hildebrand height in Duisburg - Angerhausen. The 14-hectare green park consists of the former slag heap of Duisburg smelter refurbishment and some adjacent areas, which were sealed and regenerated. It is the continuation of conservation and recreation area Biegerhof -West and, with the green stream , the connection to the Rhine and the lying there Angerort house 

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