Sunday, November 20, 2011

National Geographic Black & White Photography

Black-and-white, often abbreviated B/W or B&W, is a term referring to a number of monochrome forms in visual arts. Most forms of visual technology start out in black and white, then slowly evolve into color as technology progresses. Even after color film was readily available, black-and-white photography continued to dominate for decades, due to its lower cost and its classic photographic look. 

The National Geographic has act a source of  inspiration for people to care about the planet. It is one of the largest non-profit scientific and educational institutions in the world. Its interests include geography, archaeology and natural science, the promotion of environmental and wallpapers. National Geographic has been on the forefront of photography since 1888.

Here is a high quality showcase of Black-and-White Photography Wallpapers from National Geographic for your inspiration. Awesome for your wallpaper also...

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